What are the requirement to see the map in 3D?
- A computer and a browser supporting WebGL (check outWebGL blacklist if it does not work)
- Windows XP and Vista have been black listed on Chrome since version 32, to force activation you can enableOverride software rendering list underchrome:flags
How to contact F4 map team?
- You cancontact us directly.
How does the 3D rendering work?
- We based our generation onsimple 3D buildings.
- Check out how we handle 3D tags on3D Render page.
How can i see the map with relief?
- Relief can be enabled/disabled from the graphic option page from the top right Menu.
How much time does it take for my modifications to show up?
- Short answer:
- About a day.
- Long answer:
- Osm data should be synchronized in "real time", you can usually expect about 5min delay.
- However, we use a 24 hours cache on server side, so any modification you make can take up to 24h before showing up.